In the ancient past, our world was fully connected to the greater creation of life. When each physical planet is first endowed with life, there is a divine plan for that world to evolve to reflect the higher spiritual culture of creation.
Approximately 200,000 years ago, the celestial personalities in charge of evolving our world to higher levels of universe relationship decided to implement their own plans to evolve human culture. They knew how this world was originally designed to evolve. It was their responsibility to activate and conserve the evolutionary process according to the divine plans. Their own conceived plans were in direct opposition to the divine plans for our world. These celestial personalities chose to manage the planet in their own way and timeframe, consistently denying the warnings from their spiritual advisors about the repercussions of their choices for human evolution. The consequences were devastating for each individual living on this world, and for the planet at large. We still suffer the effects of these poorly conceived choices.
One of the repercussions of the deviant plan culminated in a great disruption of those circuits of communication wired into the planet that kept a stream of information from the highest spirit realms of creation flowing to this world. This information linked us to the greater universe and to many other worlds therein. Due to the deviant plan, our planet became isolated and we lost our connection with our cosmic family.
The rebellious spiritual authorities in charge of our world attempted to further human evolutionary life, but the means they used to instill control over humanity were barbaric. Their repressive and coercive tactics they used to engender a sense of order and slavish obedience to what they were trying to accomplish depressed the human spirit.
As the course of evolution progressed on the planet, our consciousness evolved in this enforced dynamic. Our consciousness was fed on energies of separation from God, breeding war, brutality, poverty, illness, competition and judgment. The celestial authorities pitted people against one another, which fostered a sense of elitism. We were conditioned to devalue our true importance to the universe, which ensured the perpetuation of the distorted, planetary evolution under the wrongful energies. This type of planetary system of consciousness made us believe, and feel, as if we were abandoned by God, and therefore unworthy. We were not being treated the way the divine plans mandated. The celestial authorities in charge of the planet used subversive and coercive means to modify and control human behavior, keeping us enslaved to their enterprise.
Their control and management of the planet continue to be in direct contradiction with the Creator’s divine plans. There is an essential joy and lightness in following God’s laws. Had our planet followed a normal, divine path of evolution, we would find it in our hearts to more readily trust in the ways of Spirit and cooperate with the divine evolutionary plan. But these celestial administrators perpetrated two great lies against humanity; the first one being that there was no Divine Creator who had plans for the universe, secure in the ways of evolution and its unfoldment. This lie made us feel abandoned and betrayed by God and isolated in the universe.
The second lie was in their use of repressive and violent means of control, which made people mistrust spiritual authority. The celestial personality charged with the authority to evolve our world put himself in the place of our Creator and exercised his own deviant plan because he wanted people to worship him as a Deity. His approach to evolution was brutal and controlling. He did not like humans and treated us with disdain and anger, which contributed to our concept of God as vengeful and wrathful. This is the great lie under which we have been operating for millennia. We were robbed of the joy of following the divine plan for our own unique and individual, creative self-expression— joy our Creator desires for us.
Consequently, after such a long and turbulent evolutionary journey, our system of consciousness developed ways of thinking and feeling that ran counter to God's original design. They appeared as ingrained patterns resistant to Spirit energy. This influence greatly interfered with following God’s way of creating our unique path to attaining higher consciousness. We were obstructed and could not understand or appreciate the cooperative nature of evolutionary growth according to God’s plans. This has made it extremely difficult and painful for us to access what is truly our natural birthright to enjoy.
Because of this event eons ago, there is still a legacy of brutality and digression from the divine plan resident on this planet. It's currently held in place by powerful dynasties who understand and use effective means of coercion to keep people in a repressed state, denying us access to our divine birthright. These power dynasties are in control of the highest levels of government and social institutions. They are now losing their grasp, although they have long struggled to keep it. They are trying their utmost to maintain their dominant position by destroying the planet's environment and keeping the human population from opening to their spiritual connections within.
However, God’s plans to uplift and restore this planet to the cosmic family are now in the works. This is instilling love of the Creator and the joy of following the divine ways into our minds and hearts. Spiritual information and connections are being re-woven throughout this world—a tightly knit fabric stirring our souls and compelling us to want to know God and become Spirit-like. This is a massive shift in our collective thinking. A very strong polarization is occurring between that which wants the divine plan to manifest fully on the world and that which wants to keep the old ways in operation. The polarization is creating great tension in our minds and bodies.
We have a Divine Mother and Father whose love encircles the world. They have a corrective rehabilitation plan in place for our planet to return to the universe family. We are members of this family. The plan is now firmly ensconced on the planet and growing stronger every day. Our divine parents share their divinity with us that we may grow strong and vibrant, maturing into caretakers of our world and responsible cosmic citizens.
Approximately 200,000 years ago, the celestial personalities in charge of evolving our world to higher levels of universe relationship decided to implement their own plans to evolve human culture. They knew how this world was originally designed to evolve. It was their responsibility to activate and conserve the evolutionary process according to the divine plans. Their own conceived plans were in direct opposition to the divine plans for our world. These celestial personalities chose to manage the planet in their own way and timeframe, consistently denying the warnings from their spiritual advisors about the repercussions of their choices for human evolution. The consequences were devastating for each individual living on this world, and for the planet at large. We still suffer the effects of these poorly conceived choices.
One of the repercussions of the deviant plan culminated in a great disruption of those circuits of communication wired into the planet that kept a stream of information from the highest spirit realms of creation flowing to this world. This information linked us to the greater universe and to many other worlds therein. Due to the deviant plan, our planet became isolated and we lost our connection with our cosmic family.
The rebellious spiritual authorities in charge of our world attempted to further human evolutionary life, but the means they used to instill control over humanity were barbaric. Their repressive and coercive tactics they used to engender a sense of order and slavish obedience to what they were trying to accomplish depressed the human spirit.
As the course of evolution progressed on the planet, our consciousness evolved in this enforced dynamic. Our consciousness was fed on energies of separation from God, breeding war, brutality, poverty, illness, competition and judgment. The celestial authorities pitted people against one another, which fostered a sense of elitism. We were conditioned to devalue our true importance to the universe, which ensured the perpetuation of the distorted, planetary evolution under the wrongful energies. This type of planetary system of consciousness made us believe, and feel, as if we were abandoned by God, and therefore unworthy. We were not being treated the way the divine plans mandated. The celestial authorities in charge of the planet used subversive and coercive means to modify and control human behavior, keeping us enslaved to their enterprise.
Their control and management of the planet continue to be in direct contradiction with the Creator’s divine plans. There is an essential joy and lightness in following God’s laws. Had our planet followed a normal, divine path of evolution, we would find it in our hearts to more readily trust in the ways of Spirit and cooperate with the divine evolutionary plan. But these celestial administrators perpetrated two great lies against humanity; the first one being that there was no Divine Creator who had plans for the universe, secure in the ways of evolution and its unfoldment. This lie made us feel abandoned and betrayed by God and isolated in the universe.
The second lie was in their use of repressive and violent means of control, which made people mistrust spiritual authority. The celestial personality charged with the authority to evolve our world put himself in the place of our Creator and exercised his own deviant plan because he wanted people to worship him as a Deity. His approach to evolution was brutal and controlling. He did not like humans and treated us with disdain and anger, which contributed to our concept of God as vengeful and wrathful. This is the great lie under which we have been operating for millennia. We were robbed of the joy of following the divine plan for our own unique and individual, creative self-expression— joy our Creator desires for us.
Consequently, after such a long and turbulent evolutionary journey, our system of consciousness developed ways of thinking and feeling that ran counter to God's original design. They appeared as ingrained patterns resistant to Spirit energy. This influence greatly interfered with following God’s way of creating our unique path to attaining higher consciousness. We were obstructed and could not understand or appreciate the cooperative nature of evolutionary growth according to God’s plans. This has made it extremely difficult and painful for us to access what is truly our natural birthright to enjoy.
Because of this event eons ago, there is still a legacy of brutality and digression from the divine plan resident on this planet. It's currently held in place by powerful dynasties who understand and use effective means of coercion to keep people in a repressed state, denying us access to our divine birthright. These power dynasties are in control of the highest levels of government and social institutions. They are now losing their grasp, although they have long struggled to keep it. They are trying their utmost to maintain their dominant position by destroying the planet's environment and keeping the human population from opening to their spiritual connections within.
However, God’s plans to uplift and restore this planet to the cosmic family are now in the works. This is instilling love of the Creator and the joy of following the divine ways into our minds and hearts. Spiritual information and connections are being re-woven throughout this world—a tightly knit fabric stirring our souls and compelling us to want to know God and become Spirit-like. This is a massive shift in our collective thinking. A very strong polarization is occurring between that which wants the divine plan to manifest fully on the world and that which wants to keep the old ways in operation. The polarization is creating great tension in our minds and bodies.
We have a Divine Mother and Father whose love encircles the world. They have a corrective rehabilitation plan in place for our planet to return to the universe family. We are members of this family. The plan is now firmly ensconced on the planet and growing stronger every day. Our divine parents share their divinity with us that we may grow strong and vibrant, maturing into caretakers of our world and responsible cosmic citizens.