Human consciousness is an endowment from our Divine Mother Spirit to provide us with the capacity and ability to think, feel, act and evolve. Our consciousness is the arena for what occurs in our lives. Everything we experience exists in our consciousness. It is a complex, multi-level system of thoughts, feelings, and memories of experiences. While we are mostly aware of our waking consciousness, we are highly influenced by the unconscious parts of our being—the subconscious and the superconscious.
This system is the communication pathway between the highly refined spiritual body and the dense matter of the physical body. The wide gulf between the spiritual and physical components necessitates a connecting bridge between the two. This bridge is the realm of MIND, commonly referred to as "consciousness." MIND is a vast repository of information to which we have access. It is our birthright to learn how we function as humans. We have innate needs for learning and growth. The mind is the place where spiritual information is conveyed into our awareness. Ideas and ideals of spiritual value are seeded into our thought and emotional processes to help us make sense of who we are and how to live.
Our system of consciousness is intelligently designed by our loving, Divine Mother and Father. This gift gives us the ability to evolve our consciousness from our inheritance of the animal nature into spiritual beings, over the course of a long ascension journey. Our planetary experience is the starting point for our ascending consciousness, and a vital step in our spiritual evolution. In coming to understand our system of consciousness, we are better equipped to comprehend the nature of the universe and cooperate with the universal laws operating on our existence. There is a divine plan in the Mind of God, shared with us to evolve our consciousness. Three major actions and Spirit influences interplay within our system of consciousness. See Experiencing God.
We are creatures of evolution. We were not designed to exist as perfect beings. Instead, we were created to reach a level of perfection through a long process of growth in our comprehension of creation and the creative plan. God is our ultimate Source and Destiny. We ascend, traveling throughout the starry cosmos, until one day we stand in the very source of LIFE itself—our Creator. We learn through one experience at a time, perfecting our abilities to reflect the divine expressions of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty into the world.
Human beings are made up of two natures: one comes from our animal ancestors; the other from our Divine Parents. The complex dance of the two opposing natures, competing for dominance in our mind, accounts for the tension and struggle we face in growing spiritually. Sculpting a block of stone into a refined statue of astonishing beauty and grace necessitates effort and striving. The artist must continually chip away at the rough edges until the creation has reached its apex of perfection.
We are that sculpture. Each of us holds the blueprint of the finished piece deeply embedded within our consciousness as a gift from our Divine Parents. Yet, we are not able to fully express that beauty. We are a work in progress, becoming ever lovelier.
Our dual opposing natures are actually part of the human system of consciousness that God bestowed us to guide us back to Divine Source. Our raw, primal, animal instincts are not there to shame us or hold us back. They are the starting point for the long ascent to spiritual attainment. Actually, there is something quite wonderful in this animal nature in that it has the potential to become God-like; a personality of exquisite beauty, harmony, and balance as we ascend in our conscious spiritual development. The question is: how much effort do we wish to put into the attainment of our own beautification?
Our consciousness is the environment wherein we experience life. When our lives bear spiritual fruit, we expand our consciousness into the higher circuits of Mind where more spiritual energy exists. The system of consciousness is a giant recorder. We receive information from our outer, material culture. As well, we imprint upon information from the spiritual realms through our Divine Father and Mother. Our ability to think and feel is hard-wired into our bodies by the Divine Mother, who endows us with seven spirits to give us this capacity for consciousness. She IS the personification of the Cosmic Universal Mind and everything occurs within Her domain through Her action.
Seven spiritual circuits—the Adjutant Mind Spirits—connected to our Divine Mother, feed into our bodies' energy centers (commonly known as the seven major chakras). These energy centers are subtle and they transmit spiritual information into and throughout our physical bodies. While much information is available on the chakra system from other sources, they themselves would not function were it not for these mind spirits. This is what Spirit installs in us so that we recognize our surroundings, to become self-aware.
This system is the communication pathway between the highly refined spiritual body and the dense matter of the physical body. The wide gulf between the spiritual and physical components necessitates a connecting bridge between the two. This bridge is the realm of MIND, commonly referred to as "consciousness." MIND is a vast repository of information to which we have access. It is our birthright to learn how we function as humans. We have innate needs for learning and growth. The mind is the place where spiritual information is conveyed into our awareness. Ideas and ideals of spiritual value are seeded into our thought and emotional processes to help us make sense of who we are and how to live.
Our system of consciousness is intelligently designed by our loving, Divine Mother and Father. This gift gives us the ability to evolve our consciousness from our inheritance of the animal nature into spiritual beings, over the course of a long ascension journey. Our planetary experience is the starting point for our ascending consciousness, and a vital step in our spiritual evolution. In coming to understand our system of consciousness, we are better equipped to comprehend the nature of the universe and cooperate with the universal laws operating on our existence. There is a divine plan in the Mind of God, shared with us to evolve our consciousness. Three major actions and Spirit influences interplay within our system of consciousness. See Experiencing God.
We are creatures of evolution. We were not designed to exist as perfect beings. Instead, we were created to reach a level of perfection through a long process of growth in our comprehension of creation and the creative plan. God is our ultimate Source and Destiny. We ascend, traveling throughout the starry cosmos, until one day we stand in the very source of LIFE itself—our Creator. We learn through one experience at a time, perfecting our abilities to reflect the divine expressions of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty into the world.
Human beings are made up of two natures: one comes from our animal ancestors; the other from our Divine Parents. The complex dance of the two opposing natures, competing for dominance in our mind, accounts for the tension and struggle we face in growing spiritually. Sculpting a block of stone into a refined statue of astonishing beauty and grace necessitates effort and striving. The artist must continually chip away at the rough edges until the creation has reached its apex of perfection.
We are that sculpture. Each of us holds the blueprint of the finished piece deeply embedded within our consciousness as a gift from our Divine Parents. Yet, we are not able to fully express that beauty. We are a work in progress, becoming ever lovelier.
Our dual opposing natures are actually part of the human system of consciousness that God bestowed us to guide us back to Divine Source. Our raw, primal, animal instincts are not there to shame us or hold us back. They are the starting point for the long ascent to spiritual attainment. Actually, there is something quite wonderful in this animal nature in that it has the potential to become God-like; a personality of exquisite beauty, harmony, and balance as we ascend in our conscious spiritual development. The question is: how much effort do we wish to put into the attainment of our own beautification?
Our consciousness is the environment wherein we experience life. When our lives bear spiritual fruit, we expand our consciousness into the higher circuits of Mind where more spiritual energy exists. The system of consciousness is a giant recorder. We receive information from our outer, material culture. As well, we imprint upon information from the spiritual realms through our Divine Father and Mother. Our ability to think and feel is hard-wired into our bodies by the Divine Mother, who endows us with seven spirits to give us this capacity for consciousness. She IS the personification of the Cosmic Universal Mind and everything occurs within Her domain through Her action.
Seven spiritual circuits—the Adjutant Mind Spirits—connected to our Divine Mother, feed into our bodies' energy centers (commonly known as the seven major chakras). These energy centers are subtle and they transmit spiritual information into and throughout our physical bodies. While much information is available on the chakra system from other sources, they themselves would not function were it not for these mind spirits. This is what Spirit installs in us so that we recognize our surroundings, to become self-aware.
The Adjutant Mind Spirits and Related Energy Centers
The seven spiritual circuits are directly hard-wired into the seven energy centers, sending information from Mind and storing it in the related areas. There is a two-way energy flow from the first to the seventh center as the spirits inter-relate and integrate. They are:
1) The Spirit of Intuition: Connected into the root center, this spirit gives us the capacity to react instinctively. The root center is where all our innate, reflexive responses and reactions occur. Our primal urges and drives are wired into us through this spirit circuit: our most basic drives for food, shelter, security, comfort, and self-perpetuation. A newborn operates primarily on this circuit, responding to its environment by innate reflexes. The related root center operates on divine Love, but also contains ancestral memory patterns of fear, which can cause it to block the energies of primal Love contained within the spirit circuit. This is correctable through deep energy healing, especially during Generational Healing.
2) The Spirit of Understanding: Connected into the sacral center, this spirit contains information that gives us the capacity to form connected thoughts. The basic, reactive information of our first center intersects with this spirit circuit. This gives us the ability to form thought associations and recognize patterns. When a newborn cries and a parent responds to his or her needs, the infant begins to understand, “When I cry, I get what I need.” This is the beginning of the thought association process and it builds upon various other associations. All associations in our thoughts and feelings occur because of this spirit, both in terms of our relationships with people and relationships with all other thought-ideas. The infant getting needs met is the beginning of developing trust. The sacral circuit stores these memory pattern associations.
Thoughts are analogous to elements in the periodic table that bond together to form chemical compounds. Energy binds the elements together. So too, our thoughts are linked by an energy that associates ideas and creates beliefs that condition and influence our thinking. This energy is either positive (love-dominated) or negative (fear-related). Most of our thoughts are a combination of both energies, which create certain feelings. The corresponding feelings also embody the love/fear dynamic.
Again, it is possible to have stored memory information in this center healed by Spirit. Memory of the experience will still exist, but the emotional charge of fear, pain, or other negative feelings will be transformed through forgiveness and love. Only then can our associative processes become infused with the energies we truly need. The resultant feelings become healthy, positive, and life-affirming.
3) The Spirit of Courage: Connected into the solar plexus center, this spirit moves us to action via the impetus of free will—the gift of volition. The associated circuit is frequently called the will center, but it is the information from spirit that urges us to create and gives us the desire for self-expression. It might be considered the center for moral choice. Spirit influences in the first two centers coordinate with this spirit, which propels the individual to respond according to what developed in the first two centers. In the illustration of the baby, when the parent responds and gives the child what it needs, the baby learns to trust. The energy center of this spirit is where confidence in self-expression is grown. Conversely, if a baby’s crying results in being ignored or mistreated, what will be learned is to self-protect, closing down the energy centers. If this negative dynamic continues, the learned behavior will be become destructive, expressing as self-abuse or abuse to others.
This power center propels people to action. If it has not been properly aligned in spiritual energies, the fear response from the animal nature will tend to dominate. When a person does not feel safe in his/her environment, or when new circumstances arise and a person does not have a reference point from which to react, information stored in this center will influence the individual’s actions. Most information stored in the first two chakras is dominated by a fear response. Even though someone may intellectually know there is a better way to do things, trying to act on one’s higher nature will be very difficult because the deep, subconscious, primal fears have programmed these three centers. This is what perpetuates unhealthy habits and why it is difficult to formulate newer, healthier ones. When Spirit enters this chakra during Generational Healing, old patterns of feeling unsafe and fearful are transformed by divine love. Then, the operating thought forms are rooted in the substance of courage. This transformation will eventually result in new, healthy patterns for creativity and true self-expression.
4) The Spirit of Knowledge: Connected into the heart center is a pivotal energy center related to emotional processing. Moving up into the fourth energy center from the previous three, information from this spirit feeds us with the capacity for higher self-awareness of others and our relationship to our environment. Our knowledge base builds upon what we have learned, stored within the heart—especially at the emotional level. The yearnings for discovery and adventure are wired into this center to motivate evolutionary growth toward spiritual expression. When this center is open and the spirit has clear access to influence human thinking and feeling, positive self-expression will give a person a sense of purpose and love of life. This especially occurs when the higher three centers are open and able to convey the information of spirits #5, #6, and #7.
As the mid-way point in the human system of consciousness, information flow in this center is the intersection of the lower three centers and the higher three centers. This center circulates love as emotional energy information throughout the system of consciousness, similar to the heart muscle pumping blood throughout the circulatory system. Love is the "emotional blood" of our energy system. Spirit pumps love through this circuit. Therefore, this is a tremendous feeling center, and where we store much emotional memory. However, memory patterns stored in the lower three centers can affect the heart center by creating various blockages there. Much emotional pain is stored within the heart center. Deep, spiritual healing, through divine love and forgiveness, is required in order for spiritual energy to move through it again, unencumbered. In the physical body, the heart center is connected to the heart organ by subtle energies that send bio-electro-chemicals to the brain, which are then redistributed throughout the body.
5) The Spirit of Counsel: Connected into the throat center, the influence of this spirit gives a person the capacity to socialize and harmonize with others. Through this energy center, we communicate our thoughts and feelings. When this center is open and expressing positively, we can speak the truth of who we are in a loving, socially charming, and spiritually uplifting manner. We learn to speak with the voice of love through this spirit’s influence. Conversely, when it is blocked because of negativity stored in the lower four circuits, it will be difficult to speak up for yourself, express yourself, and verbalize your perspectives.
6) The Spirit of Worship: Connected into the third eye center where we are influenced to seek the Divine; to actually strive to attain Deity (God). When this energy center is open, we begin to see things from the higher perspective of Spirit. We crave to be united with our Divine Source. Information circulating through this center allows our vision to align with the way God would like us to view reality. Our perspective may be impaired— distorted by negativity and error. Clearing this center of impairments removes our blinders to a full understanding. The divine eye is able to convey higher information with less thought and emotional interference. It helps you see yourself as your Spirit Parents see you.
7) The Spirit of Wisdom: Connected into the crown center, this spirit influence activates the highest yearnings for progressive spiritual attainment: to become like God and to understand the workings of the universe. Through this circuit we have access to higher information in the universe. We grow in true awareness and cosmic insight. This spirit coordinates the activities of the lower six energy centers and spirit circuits as divine energies enter the body and mind and move downward. Here is where our Indwelling Spirits of God convey the answers, guidance and direction we need to learn the Godly ways of life. When this spirit influence is fully operative, the Spirit of God is able to infuse the system of consciousness with divine Love and Truth. When this occurs, a rush of physical energy floods the individual with positive feelings of peace and joy, culminating with an overwhelming feeling of being deeply loved and belonging.
The above is a simplification of a highly complex and intelligently designed system that functions as a pathway for information from the highest sources of love and wisdom in the universe. All of this has been given to us as a wonderful gift to live, learn, and love, all the while growing in in the Divine Source from whence we originated. Spirit creates life and then constructs a plan to draw all life back to Source.
The healing process, especially when deep Generational Healing is involved, returns us to our originally intended state of being for life and growth. When fully healed and aligned, our system of consciousness functions as a beautifully harmonized melody singing our own unique song of love. We are then living according to our own internal, divine blueprint and following the divine order for universe functioning. It is a marvelous plan!
1) The Spirit of Intuition: Connected into the root center, this spirit gives us the capacity to react instinctively. The root center is where all our innate, reflexive responses and reactions occur. Our primal urges and drives are wired into us through this spirit circuit: our most basic drives for food, shelter, security, comfort, and self-perpetuation. A newborn operates primarily on this circuit, responding to its environment by innate reflexes. The related root center operates on divine Love, but also contains ancestral memory patterns of fear, which can cause it to block the energies of primal Love contained within the spirit circuit. This is correctable through deep energy healing, especially during Generational Healing.
2) The Spirit of Understanding: Connected into the sacral center, this spirit contains information that gives us the capacity to form connected thoughts. The basic, reactive information of our first center intersects with this spirit circuit. This gives us the ability to form thought associations and recognize patterns. When a newborn cries and a parent responds to his or her needs, the infant begins to understand, “When I cry, I get what I need.” This is the beginning of the thought association process and it builds upon various other associations. All associations in our thoughts and feelings occur because of this spirit, both in terms of our relationships with people and relationships with all other thought-ideas. The infant getting needs met is the beginning of developing trust. The sacral circuit stores these memory pattern associations.
Thoughts are analogous to elements in the periodic table that bond together to form chemical compounds. Energy binds the elements together. So too, our thoughts are linked by an energy that associates ideas and creates beliefs that condition and influence our thinking. This energy is either positive (love-dominated) or negative (fear-related). Most of our thoughts are a combination of both energies, which create certain feelings. The corresponding feelings also embody the love/fear dynamic.
Again, it is possible to have stored memory information in this center healed by Spirit. Memory of the experience will still exist, but the emotional charge of fear, pain, or other negative feelings will be transformed through forgiveness and love. Only then can our associative processes become infused with the energies we truly need. The resultant feelings become healthy, positive, and life-affirming.
3) The Spirit of Courage: Connected into the solar plexus center, this spirit moves us to action via the impetus of free will—the gift of volition. The associated circuit is frequently called the will center, but it is the information from spirit that urges us to create and gives us the desire for self-expression. It might be considered the center for moral choice. Spirit influences in the first two centers coordinate with this spirit, which propels the individual to respond according to what developed in the first two centers. In the illustration of the baby, when the parent responds and gives the child what it needs, the baby learns to trust. The energy center of this spirit is where confidence in self-expression is grown. Conversely, if a baby’s crying results in being ignored or mistreated, what will be learned is to self-protect, closing down the energy centers. If this negative dynamic continues, the learned behavior will be become destructive, expressing as self-abuse or abuse to others.
This power center propels people to action. If it has not been properly aligned in spiritual energies, the fear response from the animal nature will tend to dominate. When a person does not feel safe in his/her environment, or when new circumstances arise and a person does not have a reference point from which to react, information stored in this center will influence the individual’s actions. Most information stored in the first two chakras is dominated by a fear response. Even though someone may intellectually know there is a better way to do things, trying to act on one’s higher nature will be very difficult because the deep, subconscious, primal fears have programmed these three centers. This is what perpetuates unhealthy habits and why it is difficult to formulate newer, healthier ones. When Spirit enters this chakra during Generational Healing, old patterns of feeling unsafe and fearful are transformed by divine love. Then, the operating thought forms are rooted in the substance of courage. This transformation will eventually result in new, healthy patterns for creativity and true self-expression.
4) The Spirit of Knowledge: Connected into the heart center is a pivotal energy center related to emotional processing. Moving up into the fourth energy center from the previous three, information from this spirit feeds us with the capacity for higher self-awareness of others and our relationship to our environment. Our knowledge base builds upon what we have learned, stored within the heart—especially at the emotional level. The yearnings for discovery and adventure are wired into this center to motivate evolutionary growth toward spiritual expression. When this center is open and the spirit has clear access to influence human thinking and feeling, positive self-expression will give a person a sense of purpose and love of life. This especially occurs when the higher three centers are open and able to convey the information of spirits #5, #6, and #7.
As the mid-way point in the human system of consciousness, information flow in this center is the intersection of the lower three centers and the higher three centers. This center circulates love as emotional energy information throughout the system of consciousness, similar to the heart muscle pumping blood throughout the circulatory system. Love is the "emotional blood" of our energy system. Spirit pumps love through this circuit. Therefore, this is a tremendous feeling center, and where we store much emotional memory. However, memory patterns stored in the lower three centers can affect the heart center by creating various blockages there. Much emotional pain is stored within the heart center. Deep, spiritual healing, through divine love and forgiveness, is required in order for spiritual energy to move through it again, unencumbered. In the physical body, the heart center is connected to the heart organ by subtle energies that send bio-electro-chemicals to the brain, which are then redistributed throughout the body.
5) The Spirit of Counsel: Connected into the throat center, the influence of this spirit gives a person the capacity to socialize and harmonize with others. Through this energy center, we communicate our thoughts and feelings. When this center is open and expressing positively, we can speak the truth of who we are in a loving, socially charming, and spiritually uplifting manner. We learn to speak with the voice of love through this spirit’s influence. Conversely, when it is blocked because of negativity stored in the lower four circuits, it will be difficult to speak up for yourself, express yourself, and verbalize your perspectives.
6) The Spirit of Worship: Connected into the third eye center where we are influenced to seek the Divine; to actually strive to attain Deity (God). When this energy center is open, we begin to see things from the higher perspective of Spirit. We crave to be united with our Divine Source. Information circulating through this center allows our vision to align with the way God would like us to view reality. Our perspective may be impaired— distorted by negativity and error. Clearing this center of impairments removes our blinders to a full understanding. The divine eye is able to convey higher information with less thought and emotional interference. It helps you see yourself as your Spirit Parents see you.
7) The Spirit of Wisdom: Connected into the crown center, this spirit influence activates the highest yearnings for progressive spiritual attainment: to become like God and to understand the workings of the universe. Through this circuit we have access to higher information in the universe. We grow in true awareness and cosmic insight. This spirit coordinates the activities of the lower six energy centers and spirit circuits as divine energies enter the body and mind and move downward. Here is where our Indwelling Spirits of God convey the answers, guidance and direction we need to learn the Godly ways of life. When this spirit influence is fully operative, the Spirit of God is able to infuse the system of consciousness with divine Love and Truth. When this occurs, a rush of physical energy floods the individual with positive feelings of peace and joy, culminating with an overwhelming feeling of being deeply loved and belonging.
The above is a simplification of a highly complex and intelligently designed system that functions as a pathway for information from the highest sources of love and wisdom in the universe. All of this has been given to us as a wonderful gift to live, learn, and love, all the while growing in in the Divine Source from whence we originated. Spirit creates life and then constructs a plan to draw all life back to Source.
The healing process, especially when deep Generational Healing is involved, returns us to our originally intended state of being for life and growth. When fully healed and aligned, our system of consciousness functions as a beautifully harmonized melody singing our own unique song of love. We are then living according to our own internal, divine blueprint and following the divine order for universe functioning. It is a marvelous plan!