A Spiritual Bill of Rights For Humanity:
Proclaim Liberty to Spiritual Captives!
by Theresa Marks
Humanity is at a critical juncture. While scientific and technological advances may solve material problems, they can never heal the ultimate source of humanity’s woes–the human spirit itself–which has been crippled throughout history by fear, oppression and feelings of worthlessness. These are spiritual problems that require spiritual answers.
This important statement of spiritual rights outlines essential principles to spiritually empower individuals and unleash humanity’s vast potential to bring about worldwide spiritual renewal and unity. Read or listen to the full document coming soon at spiritualbillofrights.org.
The Seven Spiritual Rights of Humanity
- The right to connect directly with the Creator in their own unique way.
- The right to affirm their inherent goodness as beloved children of the Creator.
- The right to freedom from fear, especially fear of false divine punishments.
- Therighttoembarkontheirownsearchfortruth.
- Therighttofreedomfromreligiousobligations.
- The right to access all spiritual leadership roles regardless of identity.
- The right to determine their own loving and committed human partnerships.
Read the complete document
Listen to the author’s podcast