This series focuses how we conceive thoughts within the context of our understanding that gives us the ability to perceive our reality. As free-will individuals, we can choose what to believe and make decisions. But how do we make correct decisions to support our well being and avoid the frustration that comes from making errors? This series will explore this dynamic and provide you more insight into the workings of your consciousness and to use it in a more healthily and positive way.
Series 6, Video 1: Introduction to the Series: "Context, Perception, and Discernment"
Series 6, Video 2: The Purpose of Context for Truth Recognition
Series 6, Video 3: Discussion of Conceiving Thought with Spirit
Series 6, Video 4: Discussion of Evolutionary Mind and Consciousness Impacting Thought-Conception
Series 6, Video 5: Discussion of Perception; shifting to perceiving from our Spirits instead of our own understanding
Series 6, Video 6: Opening the unconscious mind for greater perception from the Indwelling
Series 6, Video 7: Discernment with the context and perception of Spirit
Series 6, Video 8: Part 2 on Discernment, especially related to interpersonal communication
Series 6, Video 1: Introduction to the Series: "Context, Perception, and Discernment"
Series 6, Video 2: The Purpose of Context for Truth Recognition
Series 6, Video 3: Discussion of Conceiving Thought with Spirit
Series 6, Video 4: Discussion of Evolutionary Mind and Consciousness Impacting Thought-Conception
Series 6, Video 5: Discussion of Perception; shifting to perceiving from our Spirits instead of our own understanding
Series 6, Video 6: Opening the unconscious mind for greater perception from the Indwelling
Series 6, Video 7: Discernment with the context and perception of Spirit
Series 6, Video 8: Part 2 on Discernment, especially related to interpersonal communication