Book: The Women Who Loved Jesus
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The Women Who Loved Jesus—The Untold Story of the Women’s Evangelistic Corps
$18.00 Trade paperback / $10.0 E-Book Pub date: July 2023 • Origin Press • 158 page $18.00 Print Copy
$10.00 E-Book Version “The most revolutionary feature of Jesus’ mission”
Our world is ready for the untold stories of the twelve female apostles commissioned by Jesus. The New Testament only mentions a few of these women and never refers to them as apostles. Their special role was first revealed in 1955 in The Urantia Book, which also discloses that Jesus’ attitude toward women was “the most revolutionary feature of [his] mission on earth.” Discover the expanded story of the twelve female apostles With this book, we’ve now been gifted with an even more enlarged account of these devoted female followers. The Women Who Loved Jesus shares inspiring new details of this long-suppressed story, thanks to these eye-witness narrations. Each woman steps forward to tell her story of how Jesus proclaimed their spiritual equality with men, transformed their personal lives, and ordained them as a teachers and ministers of the gospel. Read this book to discover how the women who loved Jesus laid the spiritual, energetic, and social foundation for the later Christian church. Their messages are both universal and timely, as women everywhere are finally taking their rightful place as ministers, healers, and religious teachers. For more information about the book |
Book: Teach Us To Love
Teach Us To Love: Finding Unconditional Love through Communion with God
The lessons in Teach Us to Love are designed to foster your personal relationship with God. It is a guide to learn how to quiet your mind to perceive the Divine Inner Voice. Other lessons include: methods of asking for divine help, forgiveness, developing your faith. and the afterlife.
This book not only teaches love, it also guides you into a lifetime of inner exploration and higher awareness. Deepen your insight into your real life--your spiritual life. Read here for an excerpt. |
Book: Divine Mother, Divine Father
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Divine Mother, Divine Father—Teachings on Inspired Living from Our Heavenly Parents
$14.00 Trade paperback / $7.95 eBook • 120 pages • Trim Size: 7 x 8 Pub date: December 15, 2016 • Origin Press • 978-1-57983-047-2 Concise and Endearing Teachings from Our Divine Parents This short book offers one-hundred concise spiritual lessons received from our "Heavenly Parents," who are known traditionally as Jesus Christ (our “Divine Father”) and the Holy Spirit (our “Divine Mother”). Lesson were transmitted by Donna D’Ingillo, nationally renowned healer and spiritual teacher. The highly personal quality of these profound lessons will uplift and charm you, arousing in you a new and heartfelt commitment to live a life of love, service, and creativity. Meet your Heavenly Parents, whose love is utterly beyond comprehension! They are always available at a moment’s notice. This guidebook brings you a new awareness of their wisdom, compassion, understanding and love for you. Discover fifty succinct messages from Jesus Christ and our Divine Holy Spirit Mother, and their ultimate equality and complementary divine natures. A new era of planetary correction is upon us—thanks to the mercy of our Divine Parents. They have opened the heavens and are uplifting us again through new teachings that are suitable for our time. Read here for an excerpt. |
Book: Lessons on Prayer
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Lessons on Prayer--Teacher Welmek
$13.00 (includes shipping and handling; add $15.00 for international orders)
Celestial teacher Welmek's lessons on prayer offers new insights into using this spiritual form of communication more effectively. These lessons help you understand the intention and components of praying for yourself, family and friends and for any situation you know needs Spirit's healing touch. These empowering lessons will forever change the way you pray and give you more peace of mind. Read here for an excerpt. |

Reclaiming your Divine Heritage
by Linda Barton
From the Author: I was motivated to write this book because I felt that a lot of people have more questions about God than traditional religions can answer. By understanding how the rebellion mindset has corrupted our basic assumptions and beliefs, and sharing some of my own personal journey, it is my hope that others will find a way to step up to a higher way of thinking and find a deep and direct relationship with God.
Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
by Linda Barton
From the Author: I was motivated to write this book because I felt that a lot of people have more questions about God than traditional religions can answer. By understanding how the rebellion mindset has corrupted our basic assumptions and beliefs, and sharing some of my own personal journey, it is my hope that others will find a way to step up to a higher way of thinking and find a deep and direct relationship with God.
Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Angelic Planetary Management
How the world got into its terrible condition and how we’ll get out of it
There is a reason for the dreadful state of our world. It is the Lucifer rebellion. Learn in detail how it came about, how it affects institutions and people today, and how the planetary supervisors are restoring Earth to its original plans. It details the joint effort between celestials and humans to reclaim the inheritance of our divine nature and restore our birthright as sons and daughters of our heavenly parents.

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PDF: Contact and Communications with your Divine Parents, Celestial Guides and Teachers
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A training manual to make contact with the higher realms of divine and spirit personalities who desire to make personal conscious contact with you to help you grow spiritually. You will learn how to develop your inner receptivity, receive important, practical and helpful information, and learn to discern your own thoughts from your celestial helpers. Divine and spiritual personalities are here to support your soul growth and give you the insights you need to live more from the heart and soul on a daily basis.
PDF: $10.00 |
CD: Come into the Stillness
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MP3: Stillness for Teens
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An introduction of the Seven Steps of Stillness designed to help teens make contact with their Indwelling Spirit of God. This is especially useful to teach them to meditate and broaden their inner attention span for better mental acuity, emotional well-being, and spiritual receptivity. Suitable for ages 12-18.
MP3: $10.00 |
MP3: Exploration into Stillness, Meditations for Children
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These guided meditations are a fun and imaginative way for children, ages three to twelve years, to learn a valuable life skill—how to focus and calm their minds. May these explorations into stillness encourage parents, grandparents, and other caregivers to enjoy the practice of meditation alongside their children. Author/Voice: Deborah Goaldman; Music: Antoinette Hall
MP3: $10.00 |
CD: Experiencing your Divine Parents
2 CD Set: $28.00 (includes postage and handling; add $5.00 for international orders) Experiencing your Divine Parents is a guided visualization into ten life-renewing experiences with the Mother and Father of Spirit who know you intimately and love you deeply. Practiced over time, these experiences will lead you into this most satisfying and uplifting of relationships. You will find a new "you" through the support of your Parents and receive the tools you need to create your life-long dreams. MP3: $15.00 |
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CD: The Healing Codes
$18.00 (includes shipping and handling; add $5.00 for international orders)
The Healing Codes are the language of Spirit imprinted onto your system of consciousness to bring you into deeper alignment with Spirit. These codes work in the human energy system (also known as the chakras) and weave into the patterns of how you think and experience life. A must have for the person who is dedicated to inner healing and connection to your Spirit Source. Also, provides the foundation for a deeper healing experience through Generational Healing. MP3: $10.00 |
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