The goal of the Correcting Time is to heal and transform our planetary system of consciousness to reflect the divine values of Creation—Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in thought, word and action. This massive undertaking, via a plan underway by our Creator Parents, will help us move into alignment with these values. Many erroneous beliefs, traditions, and superstitions spawned by the planetary rebellion are tightly woven into our collective memory patterns (conscious and unconscious), impacting our evolutionary history of beliefs and emotional relationship to them. These influences compel us to think and react in certain ways, sometimes even against our better judgment. Contained within our planetary system of consciousness is a type of influence that actually distorts the rightful ways of the divinely bestowed creative process of life.
We are still very much operating under these influences, even though they were not originally created by humans. The distortions are best corrected with superhuman help. They were engineered by autonomous, celestial personalities who deviated from divine plans. The correction to restore our world to its divine plan is now occurring world-wide through human, divine, spiritual, and celestial collaboration. Our Divine Mother and Father are giving us an opportunity to repattern ourselves on the divine plan. They will parent us by giving us the love we need to heal and thrive.
Through this wonderful collaboration of humans and celestial personalities, we will implement God's divine plans of evolution for our world. At a fundamental level, operating under the direction of our Divine Parents, this involves a variety of spiritual personalities. They actually step into the seed memory patterns containing erroneous information coded within our mind-body system going back eons of time. The divine attribute of forgiveness is infused into the memory and its associated thoughts and emotions. This sparks a healing chain reaction wherein the correct spiritual language and coding necessary for memory and DNA strands to repair themselves is encoded and integrated. This complex and involved process occurs within both the individual's memory patterns as well as the planetary collective memories which act as cultural influences.
Planetary healing is no different than the path of individual healing; it just occurs in a larger way. There are, embedded within our social institutions, certain mindsets that maintain unsustainable ways of life. These mindsets must be corrected with the divine values of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty which yield love, compassion, equality, and peace within the mindsets of our social institutions. When collective mindset circuits are disconnected from planetary rebellion influences, healing our planetary emotional and mental history becomes more effective. Individuals and celestials now charged with working in these collective mind fields are healing consciousness, that it may evolve to higher, divine ways of spiritual living.
Correction within Our Social Institutions
Mindsets in our social institutions are in a transitional state. People who are mentally and emotionally attached to certain beliefs and traditions are thrown into internal chaos. Spiritual light of Truth from our Divine Mother is infusing our social institutions that people may perceive what no longer serves our highest planetary good but only serves those in positions of power and control, such as war and greed. We, as a planetary culture, are now seeing the ramifications of what distorted mindsets do to human and planetary life--how destructive they are—so we may choose to open to a better way.
At the spiritual level, with assistance from our cosmic brethren, we forge higher ways of life into our planetary system of consciousness. This will help us see, from a collective perspective, that there are solutions to all of our social ills. People are being internally stimulated by Spirit to receive the correct information—antidotes to all that perpetuated human suffering and misery and contributed to the illness of the planet's ecological systems.
However, there is a high level of resistance within certain organizations and social institutions due to the persistent reluctance of individuals to open and yield to the higher energies. They are still strongly attached to errors within their own being, operating at unconscious levels. It is very difficult for some people to recognize their own arrogance and elitism because their internal systems of thinking and feeling are so corrupted, they truly don't know a better way. It's as if their minds are so distorted by spiritual toxins that being healed of them would seem wrong or harmful. This great deception perverts their thoughts and feelings. Therefore, when more of these erroneous influences are outworked from the collective consciousness, the prevailing institutional mindsets will begin to soften and desire to seek higher paths of loving, social service.
A variety of celestials involved in planetary upliftment are working within our social institutions to change prevailing ideologies destructive to human and planetary life. Specifically, there are twelve Seraphic (angelic) groups charged by our Divine Parents with conserving divine values operating within social institution mindsets. At the same time, they’re helping people within the institutions become more aware of what is truly helpful to the evolution of human society.
The mighty Seraphim working in the various areas of planetary life endeavor to assist those in positions of powerful influence and control to open to their ministrations. One of the ways they accomplish this is through human/angelic collaboration to build the spiritual ideas and ideals into the workings of the institution. When there is deep resistance due to many historical biases, we can ask them to seed the spiritual dynamic of Forgiveness into the mind circuits of the institution.
This has the effect of helping those in power, who maintain the wrongful way of life, see the error of their ways. In human/angelic collaboration, we can direct forgiveness into the mind currents of the prevailing erroneous mindsets and attitudes. We can direct forgiveness toward those in power dynasties, allowing them accept the spiritual ways without wrathful recrimination or vengeful retribution. While they may need to face judgment for their crimes against humanity and the environment, those individuals in the power dynasties must be offered the same level of love, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy as we would wish for our own errors and misjudgments. Then they will be afforded an opportunity to change course or else experience the repercussions of their actions.
Forgiveness helps those who are spiritually aligned maintain the environment for their healing. We are being encouraged to demonstrate the spiritual fruits of compassionate understanding and forgiveness that all of our planet may move forward into the light of Truth and embody divine ways of evolutionary progression.
In order for this planet to fully ascend into its divine path, those who are in power must willingly yield control for the greater good. It will only come about when they know what they have done is wrong and sometimes excruciatingly painful to the collective growth of the planet. When more negative influences are changed within our collective structure of consciousness, then will these individuals be more receptive to and desirous of love and truth. They will be willing to share and cooperate with the divine plan of correction. When this occurs, spiritual energy will draw them into the truth, to light over the shadows of pain within their hearts and help them recognize that the spiritual way is good for them.
It is up to all of us to embody the energy of Forgiveness and offer it as the strong antidote for the spiritual poisoning that has occurred. There must be an attitude of forgiveness dominating the planet. It will facilitate the restructure of our collective system of consciousness. This is now being seeded into our planetary consciousness, but more is necessary. Will we rise to the challenge and pray for the healing of our collective errors?
Healing our planetary consciousness is now well underway. High spiritual beings are pouring seeds of forgiveness into our hearts, inlaying our consciousness for our mind-body systems to heal and realign. We participate the more we forgive all wounds of the past—no matter how large. This is what Jesus practiced and demonstrated here. His divinely human forgiveness helps us grow to a level that brings true healing to our world.
Forgiveness must prevail. Love must dominate. Compassion must reign. Understanding must thrive. These are all qualities of our divine Creator-Source, and we have access to grow and demonstrate them every day. How much will we grow? It is our choice. What good does holding on to anger and vengeance do? It creates more fear and keeps these power dynasties in control. To break the control, we must love. We must forgive. This is the only way. It is the divine way. It is the right way. It is the beautiful way. It is the Truth.
At the ICC we collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim and Divine Adjudicator Monjoronson on a regular basis to build spiritual energies into the places of great need that they may foster more change within our social institutions and help them transform. See our Calendar of Events for collaboration information. All are welcome to join!
Spiritually Changing Our Social Institutions
The planet’s cultural and spiritual development of spans eons of time. We strive to emerge from primitive levels of living to an ideal based on Spirit pattern. The innate urges of primitive man for self-preservation, self-maintenance, and self-perpetuation are the basic dynamic from which early civilization springs. Our ancestors had primal, fear-based reactions to an environment they did not understand.
As evolution progresses, animalistic behaviors of our early ancestors, threaded into the DNA patterns, influence our deep, subconscious minds. Superstitions grew up from a lack of true knowledge of why humanity was here as an evolving creation of Spirit. What people believe is predicated upon two factors: evolved knowledge from animal ancestors and divine Truth coming from the highest sources of Spirit intelligence in the universe. A mixture of beliefs contains both divine truth and evolved ideas. Deeply ingrained beliefs are accepted as truth without the proper introspection to see how they stack up against the ways of Spirit. When a planet is mired in erroneous beliefs and superstitions, higher spiritual ideas and ideals are more difficult to integrate.
Our massive belief systems span a wide range of institutions: religion, commerce, medicine, science, education, social customs and mores. Some erroneous belief systems are too ingrained to yield to the truth in an easy, graceful manner. They are too broadly interwoven into our system of consciousness, making it very difficult for us to see within how deeply we have been influenced and controlled by them. How can we change our beliefs when they are so intricately woven with massive ideas that have been around for ages?
Belief systems evolve into cultural institutions, creating social mores and structured codes of living that reinforce human behavior in rigid patterns. Look at what happens when a person tries to instill a truth into a culture that initially rejects it as preposterous: first the person is ridiculed, then discredited, then harassed (sometimes to death) until the new idea is squelched. Over time the idea has a chance to grow in the collective mind until one day, usually long after the originator lived, the idea is accepted as fact.
The challenge we face today in our spiritual growth is that we must re-pattern ourselves on Spirit and allow the evolutionary forces of the past to be overwritten by divine TRUTH—a living substance that feeds and corrects our mind: the thoughts we think and the feelings we experience.
All negative aspects of our planetary culture: war, disease, greed, poverty, hatred, all types of bigotry and intolerance need to realign with divine Truth and Love. The negative effects need to be removed from our bodies and minds. However, deeply entrenched, evolutionary thought threads tied to each of these aspects keep us stuck in negative patterns of behavior, some deeply unconscious. By coming, in faith, to our Creator, as a small child wanting to be generationally healed, we may have these spiritually devastating effects removed from our minds and bodies. Once finally and permanently removed, our minds reflect divine truths. Thoughts we think and emotions we feel are positive, life-affirming. The social culture is enhanced and grows according to the divine plans seeded into humanity.
Spirit has the power to correct anything and everything in the human system of consciousness, including at the physical level. Our education to this possibility, combined with creative imagination to trust this is true, opens the door for this to happen. Once an individual decides to let Spirit in to re-pattern the human system of consciousness, various depths of stored genetic memories are cleared, freeing the person to act more cooperatively with his/her own Inner Spirit.
On a collective level, some of the major belief systems that must be re-patterned are:
1) Religious thought patterns: any idea or belief we have learned from our religious instruction that does not reflect truth. Many of our religious concepts grow up from primitive superstitions and rituals, social and sexual mores based on our innate animal nature. Each and every thought a person has regarding their religious beliefs can be totally aligned in divine Truth once a person fully decides to “see” only according to God’s perspective. However, this is not necessarily an instantaneous proposition. The individual must continue to want to do the will of Spirit in order to achieve the divine vantage point.
The Indwelling Spirit has all the truth information a person needs to learn about and experience God. However, many religious traditions do not teach an individual to make personal, direct contact within. Instead, they choose to teach that by following certain sets of beliefs, rituals or doctrine you will attain the state of Godliness. Moving from accepting the teachings of external religious authorities to the internal state of being Spirit-centered and allowing Spirit to gently guide you is a major life transition.
2) Family relationship patterns: The intention and environment in which a child was conceived needs to be re-patterned upon divine truth that all children are loved and wanted by their Divine Parents; all people are a part of God. Most people do not consciously procreate, and their emotional state during the sexual act subconsciously conditions the child’s development.
Also, how the child imprints on both human mother and father impacts how a person will act in life. The Divine Parents step in during Generational Healing and remove negatively imprinted thoughts and experiences so that the individual gets perfect love, understanding, compassion, and guidance from the real, spiritual parents.
Another component of re-patterning relates to how men and women treat one another. Throughout the ages, both genders have been at odds with each other. Men and women have never fully learned to work cooperatively. The sexes were designed to be fully complementary. Ingrained cultural patterns about the roles of men and women are still deeply rooted, reflecting age-old traditions sourced from our primitive ancestors. These traditions have followed an evolutionary path of suspicion, fear, judgment, and lack of understanding, all contributing to the disrespect and disempowerment that men and women foster in one another.
The divine plan embodies a way for men and women to work collaboratively, modeled on the relationship of the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Once the divine relationship pattern is woven into a person’s consciousness system, new ideas about gender roles seed healthy ways men and women may see and respond to one another with dignity, tolerance, and respect. Acceptance of the role each has to offer and play in society co-creates a better way of life for everyone. One result of the corrected imbalance is the empowerment of women to take their rightful status with men as equal and valuable co-creators in cultural development. Men and women need each other to fully complete the divine plan on earth.
3) Financial patterns: Most people base their identity and value on what they do for a living and the income it yields. Being rooted in our economic patterns is one of the biggest cultural influences and challenges we face. Subconsciously, we believe that what a person earns in life indicates his/her worth. People are driven by economic forces to protect their family and home; money has become our stabilizing force in life. Economic hardship can rock the foundation of a person’s life to the core. We don’t know how to survive without money.
In Spirit, there is a different value system: you are worthy and valuable just because you are God’s child. When you are totally immersed in this awareness, you’re free of the cultural value system based on money and you react differently. You are placed directly in the hands of Spirit, where the universe works to support you and bring good to you. This does not mean that you sit back and do nothing! The dynamic of this spiritual method shapes your attitude to the rock-solid proposition that you will be guided to those resources you need to establish your material security.
God provides the venue for this to occur and you receive, in faith, what is being offered. Through faith, you begin to learn the law of spiritual economics, which is co-creative and abundant in its make-up. It is liberating! You will find creative self-expression and ways to make a material living in line with your divine plan, divorced from giving over your power to companies and organizations that treat you as a statistic. Freeing yourself from your economic conditioning and patterns is one of the biggest turn-arounds in life.
It takes a mighty faith step to do this, and that faith is conditioned on two factors: 1) trusting in God’s love for you, and 2) freeing yourself from the deprivation experiences and unworthiness feelings that have made up a part of your self-concept. Desiring to trust Spirit to guide you opens the door to re-patterning into material security. The Creator’s role is to exchange your thoughts and experiences of being deprived for the truth of the universe—that life is teeming with plentiful resources shared amongst all of God’s children.
In the face of the more significant, cultural, driving forces in our evolutionary nature, it is virtually impossible to work through the morass of the human system of consciousness without divine help. While these explanations of what must be re-patterned are quite brief, the complexity of the human mind renders it impossible to go into comprehensive detail in this forum. Also, it is far less necessary to fully comprehend all there is to know about life than it is to move into an attitude of faith that says ‘yes’ to this healing and transformational growth.
In allowing Spirit to enter into all of the patterns of life, both personal and planetarily, we will move beyond the pain of deprivation that has long plagued our world culture. We are now in the phase of freeing ourselves from the anguish of isolation and abandonment to return to our universe family. We are receiving the divine intervention we need, and it is open to any and all who have the spiritual eyes to see, the heart of faith to trust in Spirit, and the willingness to evolve beyond our ignominious past into the glorious destiny planned for our world. What role will you play in this massive, cosmic event?
We are still very much operating under these influences, even though they were not originally created by humans. The distortions are best corrected with superhuman help. They were engineered by autonomous, celestial personalities who deviated from divine plans. The correction to restore our world to its divine plan is now occurring world-wide through human, divine, spiritual, and celestial collaboration. Our Divine Mother and Father are giving us an opportunity to repattern ourselves on the divine plan. They will parent us by giving us the love we need to heal and thrive.
Through this wonderful collaboration of humans and celestial personalities, we will implement God's divine plans of evolution for our world. At a fundamental level, operating under the direction of our Divine Parents, this involves a variety of spiritual personalities. They actually step into the seed memory patterns containing erroneous information coded within our mind-body system going back eons of time. The divine attribute of forgiveness is infused into the memory and its associated thoughts and emotions. This sparks a healing chain reaction wherein the correct spiritual language and coding necessary for memory and DNA strands to repair themselves is encoded and integrated. This complex and involved process occurs within both the individual's memory patterns as well as the planetary collective memories which act as cultural influences.
Planetary healing is no different than the path of individual healing; it just occurs in a larger way. There are, embedded within our social institutions, certain mindsets that maintain unsustainable ways of life. These mindsets must be corrected with the divine values of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty which yield love, compassion, equality, and peace within the mindsets of our social institutions. When collective mindset circuits are disconnected from planetary rebellion influences, healing our planetary emotional and mental history becomes more effective. Individuals and celestials now charged with working in these collective mind fields are healing consciousness, that it may evolve to higher, divine ways of spiritual living.
Correction within Our Social Institutions
Mindsets in our social institutions are in a transitional state. People who are mentally and emotionally attached to certain beliefs and traditions are thrown into internal chaos. Spiritual light of Truth from our Divine Mother is infusing our social institutions that people may perceive what no longer serves our highest planetary good but only serves those in positions of power and control, such as war and greed. We, as a planetary culture, are now seeing the ramifications of what distorted mindsets do to human and planetary life--how destructive they are—so we may choose to open to a better way.
At the spiritual level, with assistance from our cosmic brethren, we forge higher ways of life into our planetary system of consciousness. This will help us see, from a collective perspective, that there are solutions to all of our social ills. People are being internally stimulated by Spirit to receive the correct information—antidotes to all that perpetuated human suffering and misery and contributed to the illness of the planet's ecological systems.
However, there is a high level of resistance within certain organizations and social institutions due to the persistent reluctance of individuals to open and yield to the higher energies. They are still strongly attached to errors within their own being, operating at unconscious levels. It is very difficult for some people to recognize their own arrogance and elitism because their internal systems of thinking and feeling are so corrupted, they truly don't know a better way. It's as if their minds are so distorted by spiritual toxins that being healed of them would seem wrong or harmful. This great deception perverts their thoughts and feelings. Therefore, when more of these erroneous influences are outworked from the collective consciousness, the prevailing institutional mindsets will begin to soften and desire to seek higher paths of loving, social service.
A variety of celestials involved in planetary upliftment are working within our social institutions to change prevailing ideologies destructive to human and planetary life. Specifically, there are twelve Seraphic (angelic) groups charged by our Divine Parents with conserving divine values operating within social institution mindsets. At the same time, they’re helping people within the institutions become more aware of what is truly helpful to the evolution of human society.
The mighty Seraphim working in the various areas of planetary life endeavor to assist those in positions of powerful influence and control to open to their ministrations. One of the ways they accomplish this is through human/angelic collaboration to build the spiritual ideas and ideals into the workings of the institution. When there is deep resistance due to many historical biases, we can ask them to seed the spiritual dynamic of Forgiveness into the mind circuits of the institution.
This has the effect of helping those in power, who maintain the wrongful way of life, see the error of their ways. In human/angelic collaboration, we can direct forgiveness into the mind currents of the prevailing erroneous mindsets and attitudes. We can direct forgiveness toward those in power dynasties, allowing them accept the spiritual ways without wrathful recrimination or vengeful retribution. While they may need to face judgment for their crimes against humanity and the environment, those individuals in the power dynasties must be offered the same level of love, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy as we would wish for our own errors and misjudgments. Then they will be afforded an opportunity to change course or else experience the repercussions of their actions.
Forgiveness helps those who are spiritually aligned maintain the environment for their healing. We are being encouraged to demonstrate the spiritual fruits of compassionate understanding and forgiveness that all of our planet may move forward into the light of Truth and embody divine ways of evolutionary progression.
In order for this planet to fully ascend into its divine path, those who are in power must willingly yield control for the greater good. It will only come about when they know what they have done is wrong and sometimes excruciatingly painful to the collective growth of the planet. When more negative influences are changed within our collective structure of consciousness, then will these individuals be more receptive to and desirous of love and truth. They will be willing to share and cooperate with the divine plan of correction. When this occurs, spiritual energy will draw them into the truth, to light over the shadows of pain within their hearts and help them recognize that the spiritual way is good for them.
It is up to all of us to embody the energy of Forgiveness and offer it as the strong antidote for the spiritual poisoning that has occurred. There must be an attitude of forgiveness dominating the planet. It will facilitate the restructure of our collective system of consciousness. This is now being seeded into our planetary consciousness, but more is necessary. Will we rise to the challenge and pray for the healing of our collective errors?
Healing our planetary consciousness is now well underway. High spiritual beings are pouring seeds of forgiveness into our hearts, inlaying our consciousness for our mind-body systems to heal and realign. We participate the more we forgive all wounds of the past—no matter how large. This is what Jesus practiced and demonstrated here. His divinely human forgiveness helps us grow to a level that brings true healing to our world.
Forgiveness must prevail. Love must dominate. Compassion must reign. Understanding must thrive. These are all qualities of our divine Creator-Source, and we have access to grow and demonstrate them every day. How much will we grow? It is our choice. What good does holding on to anger and vengeance do? It creates more fear and keeps these power dynasties in control. To break the control, we must love. We must forgive. This is the only way. It is the divine way. It is the right way. It is the beautiful way. It is the Truth.
At the ICC we collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim and Divine Adjudicator Monjoronson on a regular basis to build spiritual energies into the places of great need that they may foster more change within our social institutions and help them transform. See our Calendar of Events for collaboration information. All are welcome to join!
Spiritually Changing Our Social Institutions
The planet’s cultural and spiritual development of spans eons of time. We strive to emerge from primitive levels of living to an ideal based on Spirit pattern. The innate urges of primitive man for self-preservation, self-maintenance, and self-perpetuation are the basic dynamic from which early civilization springs. Our ancestors had primal, fear-based reactions to an environment they did not understand.
As evolution progresses, animalistic behaviors of our early ancestors, threaded into the DNA patterns, influence our deep, subconscious minds. Superstitions grew up from a lack of true knowledge of why humanity was here as an evolving creation of Spirit. What people believe is predicated upon two factors: evolved knowledge from animal ancestors and divine Truth coming from the highest sources of Spirit intelligence in the universe. A mixture of beliefs contains both divine truth and evolved ideas. Deeply ingrained beliefs are accepted as truth without the proper introspection to see how they stack up against the ways of Spirit. When a planet is mired in erroneous beliefs and superstitions, higher spiritual ideas and ideals are more difficult to integrate.
Our massive belief systems span a wide range of institutions: religion, commerce, medicine, science, education, social customs and mores. Some erroneous belief systems are too ingrained to yield to the truth in an easy, graceful manner. They are too broadly interwoven into our system of consciousness, making it very difficult for us to see within how deeply we have been influenced and controlled by them. How can we change our beliefs when they are so intricately woven with massive ideas that have been around for ages?
Belief systems evolve into cultural institutions, creating social mores and structured codes of living that reinforce human behavior in rigid patterns. Look at what happens when a person tries to instill a truth into a culture that initially rejects it as preposterous: first the person is ridiculed, then discredited, then harassed (sometimes to death) until the new idea is squelched. Over time the idea has a chance to grow in the collective mind until one day, usually long after the originator lived, the idea is accepted as fact.
The challenge we face today in our spiritual growth is that we must re-pattern ourselves on Spirit and allow the evolutionary forces of the past to be overwritten by divine TRUTH—a living substance that feeds and corrects our mind: the thoughts we think and the feelings we experience.
All negative aspects of our planetary culture: war, disease, greed, poverty, hatred, all types of bigotry and intolerance need to realign with divine Truth and Love. The negative effects need to be removed from our bodies and minds. However, deeply entrenched, evolutionary thought threads tied to each of these aspects keep us stuck in negative patterns of behavior, some deeply unconscious. By coming, in faith, to our Creator, as a small child wanting to be generationally healed, we may have these spiritually devastating effects removed from our minds and bodies. Once finally and permanently removed, our minds reflect divine truths. Thoughts we think and emotions we feel are positive, life-affirming. The social culture is enhanced and grows according to the divine plans seeded into humanity.
Spirit has the power to correct anything and everything in the human system of consciousness, including at the physical level. Our education to this possibility, combined with creative imagination to trust this is true, opens the door for this to happen. Once an individual decides to let Spirit in to re-pattern the human system of consciousness, various depths of stored genetic memories are cleared, freeing the person to act more cooperatively with his/her own Inner Spirit.
On a collective level, some of the major belief systems that must be re-patterned are:
1) Religious thought patterns: any idea or belief we have learned from our religious instruction that does not reflect truth. Many of our religious concepts grow up from primitive superstitions and rituals, social and sexual mores based on our innate animal nature. Each and every thought a person has regarding their religious beliefs can be totally aligned in divine Truth once a person fully decides to “see” only according to God’s perspective. However, this is not necessarily an instantaneous proposition. The individual must continue to want to do the will of Spirit in order to achieve the divine vantage point.
The Indwelling Spirit has all the truth information a person needs to learn about and experience God. However, many religious traditions do not teach an individual to make personal, direct contact within. Instead, they choose to teach that by following certain sets of beliefs, rituals or doctrine you will attain the state of Godliness. Moving from accepting the teachings of external religious authorities to the internal state of being Spirit-centered and allowing Spirit to gently guide you is a major life transition.
2) Family relationship patterns: The intention and environment in which a child was conceived needs to be re-patterned upon divine truth that all children are loved and wanted by their Divine Parents; all people are a part of God. Most people do not consciously procreate, and their emotional state during the sexual act subconsciously conditions the child’s development.
Also, how the child imprints on both human mother and father impacts how a person will act in life. The Divine Parents step in during Generational Healing and remove negatively imprinted thoughts and experiences so that the individual gets perfect love, understanding, compassion, and guidance from the real, spiritual parents.
Another component of re-patterning relates to how men and women treat one another. Throughout the ages, both genders have been at odds with each other. Men and women have never fully learned to work cooperatively. The sexes were designed to be fully complementary. Ingrained cultural patterns about the roles of men and women are still deeply rooted, reflecting age-old traditions sourced from our primitive ancestors. These traditions have followed an evolutionary path of suspicion, fear, judgment, and lack of understanding, all contributing to the disrespect and disempowerment that men and women foster in one another.
The divine plan embodies a way for men and women to work collaboratively, modeled on the relationship of the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Once the divine relationship pattern is woven into a person’s consciousness system, new ideas about gender roles seed healthy ways men and women may see and respond to one another with dignity, tolerance, and respect. Acceptance of the role each has to offer and play in society co-creates a better way of life for everyone. One result of the corrected imbalance is the empowerment of women to take their rightful status with men as equal and valuable co-creators in cultural development. Men and women need each other to fully complete the divine plan on earth.
3) Financial patterns: Most people base their identity and value on what they do for a living and the income it yields. Being rooted in our economic patterns is one of the biggest cultural influences and challenges we face. Subconsciously, we believe that what a person earns in life indicates his/her worth. People are driven by economic forces to protect their family and home; money has become our stabilizing force in life. Economic hardship can rock the foundation of a person’s life to the core. We don’t know how to survive without money.
In Spirit, there is a different value system: you are worthy and valuable just because you are God’s child. When you are totally immersed in this awareness, you’re free of the cultural value system based on money and you react differently. You are placed directly in the hands of Spirit, where the universe works to support you and bring good to you. This does not mean that you sit back and do nothing! The dynamic of this spiritual method shapes your attitude to the rock-solid proposition that you will be guided to those resources you need to establish your material security.
God provides the venue for this to occur and you receive, in faith, what is being offered. Through faith, you begin to learn the law of spiritual economics, which is co-creative and abundant in its make-up. It is liberating! You will find creative self-expression and ways to make a material living in line with your divine plan, divorced from giving over your power to companies and organizations that treat you as a statistic. Freeing yourself from your economic conditioning and patterns is one of the biggest turn-arounds in life.
It takes a mighty faith step to do this, and that faith is conditioned on two factors: 1) trusting in God’s love for you, and 2) freeing yourself from the deprivation experiences and unworthiness feelings that have made up a part of your self-concept. Desiring to trust Spirit to guide you opens the door to re-patterning into material security. The Creator’s role is to exchange your thoughts and experiences of being deprived for the truth of the universe—that life is teeming with plentiful resources shared amongst all of God’s children.
In the face of the more significant, cultural, driving forces in our evolutionary nature, it is virtually impossible to work through the morass of the human system of consciousness without divine help. While these explanations of what must be re-patterned are quite brief, the complexity of the human mind renders it impossible to go into comprehensive detail in this forum. Also, it is far less necessary to fully comprehend all there is to know about life than it is to move into an attitude of faith that says ‘yes’ to this healing and transformational growth.
In allowing Spirit to enter into all of the patterns of life, both personal and planetarily, we will move beyond the pain of deprivation that has long plagued our world culture. We are now in the phase of freeing ourselves from the anguish of isolation and abandonment to return to our universe family. We are receiving the divine intervention we need, and it is open to any and all who have the spiritual eyes to see, the heart of faith to trust in Spirit, and the willingness to evolve beyond our ignominious past into the glorious destiny planned for our world. What role will you play in this massive, cosmic event?